End of Service Announcement for Augmend

The Augmend platform and services will be officially discontinued as of August 31st, 2024. See announcement for more details.

Release 0.2: Chat With Screen Share and More!
Diamond & Tim

We’ve been hard at work in the Augmend Labs experimenting with ways for you to capture and share expertise across your team and we have some big news to share!

Our first product (code named AugShare), is aimed at taking on all your video and screen capture and sharing needs, making it super easy to capture information just by sharing your screen and chatting naturally. Here’s what we’re bringing to you in our upcoming beta.

  1. 1. Instant screen and video recording to share with your team or the world. Capture everything you say and do with our app that runs on Mac and Windows. More than just screen recording, AugShare will capture information from your tools while you’re recording to generate accurate and insightful search results across your whole library of recordings.

  2. 2. Real answers pulled from your captured knowledge Ask our AI powered assistant a question and it can look in a specific recording or across everything your team has captured. Get a quick answer along with the videos and context that the answer came from. The answers source data from information onscreen, spoken words, or even deep context from your dev tools. Ask questions like “What branch was Tim working on for his demo of the new UI?” or “What source files are used to run the integration tests for our webservice?”. The integration with your tools gives higher quality answers than any superficial recording would provide.

  3. 3. AI powered highlights/chapters. Want a quick set of highlights for what happened and when in a recording? View our auto-generated chapters with links to when they occurred. No manual entering, everything AI generated.

  4. 4. AI generated documentation and notes. Looking for more detail or to quickly scan what happened without watching a recording? Maybe you need to write a wiki or doc for your team on how to do something? Don’t start from scratch! Just record yourself doing it while talking about what you’re doing and let us generate a first draft. Documentation is generated as markdown that you can copy straight into your repo or wiki.

  5. 5. Multi-window capture with follow-the-action focus. It’s rare to simply use one window to complete or demo a workflow, but full sceeen capture makes it hard to see where the action is happening and risks leaking other info on your desktop. Instead, we let you share multiple windows simultaneously while only displaying the one where the action is happening on the main replay view. This let’s anyone watching your replay have a zoomed in view of each window by itself as needed, no large desktop to squint at. If they do want to switch to another app that isn’t in focus, but is being shared (like to look back at a command you just ran in a terminal before swapping to your browser) they can use the built in app dock.

  6. 6. Embed it all in a blog post or documentation with full AI chat. Anything you record can be configured for public access and can easily be embedded into your own page. A perfect solution for an interactive onboarding guide, tutorials for your product, or demos of a shiny new feature. Unlike other tools that let you embed a static video, this is fully AI enabled content with an assistant that can answer questions about the video, where anyone watching can get quick answers or search for specific topics in your recording. Intelligent video at you and your team’s fingertips, simply by recording a session and embedding an iframe.

Our roadmap has more intelligence on the way, and we are working to make this your go-to screen and video recording tool for developers anywhere who are tired of yet another video to watch, and want to have interactable, intelligent, sharing sessions for them, their team, and their customers. We’re looking for your feedback on the top items you may have wanted from the smartest async video and screen sharing tools out there, we’re actively working on:

  1. > Copy/paste directly from a replay anything you see on screen, grab that command you saw run, the url that popped up, and more. Make it actionable.

  2. > Replay collections/streams You may have multiple recorded replays tha trelate to a feature or project, or an async back and forther pseudo pair programming and sharing updates and demos, we will make it possible to collect these in a single collection or stream and offer a chat on top that looks across multiple replays to answer questions and extract info. Bring on the mindmeld.

We are taking more people off the beta list as we speak, so sign up now and get free access to a truly intelligent video and screen capture tool and library, don’t let your knowledge get stuck in passive videos. Public release coming soon!

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